Rise And Conquer Project - Months 5 & 6
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston ChurchillI'm still at it, despite my lack of blogging these past two months. My project hasn't flitted from my mind for more than a day, here and there and I've continued to work on myself, even though the exhaustion from my long days of working and being a mother, partner, chauffeur, cook and writer have nearly convinced me to quit. I've persevered, despite my failures, which was one of the many reasons I began this journey.
September was a bit of a joke 😏 I had every intention to work on "Communication" as my goal that month, but I didn't focus as much as I needed. Because of my failure for most of the month, I decided to make it a two month project and after all my work, I think my coworkers and family are delighted I did! Maybe... hopefully...
The end of September and the entire month of October, I made it a point to communicate clearly and purposefully, giving power to my voice and to those around me.
If you read my last blog post, you would know that my intention, at that time, was to be less reactive. And I believe I conquered that goal, even through the month of September. It was tough and I definitely had to remind myself that it was better to take a lot of deep breaths, then sputter obscene replies that I would've regretted once I'd cooled off.
I chose to change my emotions in the moment. It might seem impossible, as I used to think, but when I paused, took a few deep breaths, I was able to shift the energy and internally change the way I was feeling. It's a work in process, but every day that I'm able to control my emotions, instead of the other way around, is a day of victory in my life.
Listening was another part of my communication goals. I have a habit of listening with the intent of responding, instead of just hearing what others have to say. Sitting back and hearing their words, watching their expressions and digesting their entire message, I was able to see others in a new light. It's amazing how easily it becomes to love others, as they are, when you truly stop to see them for the soul they possess inside.
Going back to September, it wasn't a complete lost cause. I did have the opportunity to attend the Fallen Firefighter Memorial in Colorado City and witness an overabundance of love, compassion and comradeship. These women and men, who serve our cities and towns, are filled with a love for humanity and I'm grateful to have been able to see the unity of so many strangers from across the United States and Canada.
As well, I attended the SoulSpark seminar at Thanksgiving Point in Utah. It was a blessing to be near so many powerful and fierce women, who are determined to rise in love, unity and strength. Being among them awoke a spiritual passion inside me that has assisted in spiraling me upwards, towards my goals and dreams, reminding me that I am a beautiful, passionate, inspiring, loving, woman of light.
Thank you for sharing in my journey. It's cheesy at times, but I hope I can give inspiration to anyone who will listen, as they choose to break through the boundaries and confinements of our rigid society. My goal for November is already in full swing and I plan on documenting it better than I have for the last few months. I'll return soon. Until then, cheers 😘
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