Niki's July Book Recommendations
I have to say, reading is way too much of an obsession and if my eyes would just stay open like they did at age twelve, I would read all night long. Over the years I have read hundreds, upon hundreds of books and if I had my way, I would have one room filled with books from floor to ceiling and cushy couches nestled in the middle.
My own secluded library. I may share it with my family... if they are nice.
As a fun, new addition to my blog, I thought I would give four book recommendations each month. For now I will do it as one blog post, but I might break it up and do one book per week, with more information.
Don't forget, when you buy a book, the author is depending on your review once you have completed reading. It only takes a few minutes out of your day to stop by Amazon and Goodreads and let others know your thoughts.
I LOVE these books and I think Disney should pay close attention to this author. They would be an excellent new addition to their movies!
Here is my review for the final book, The Descendants:
You can find these on Amazon:
The Summer Solstice Series Amazon Link
This author has things going for her. I can see her ascending to positions in this world like Doreen Virtue and Dr. Wayne Dyer. You don't want to miss her way to the top.
Here is my review of her book:
What Would Angels Do? Amazon Link
Spark of Magic Amazon Link
Take a look at my review:
Second Chances Amazon Link
If you have any questions about these books, the authors pages and contact information are also on Amazon. Just click on their names and send them a message.
Until next time! Happy Reading!
XXXX - Niki Livingston
My own secluded library. I may share it with my family... if they are nice.
As a fun, new addition to my blog, I thought I would give four book recommendations each month. For now I will do it as one blog post, but I might break it up and do one book per week, with more information.
Don't forget, when you buy a book, the author is depending on your review once you have completed reading. It only takes a few minutes out of your day to stop by Amazon and Goodreads and let others know your thoughts.
Book One - The Summer Solstice Series
The first one is actually a series. I finished the third book about a month ago, and now I am a loyal reader of this author, K.K. Allen.I LOVE these books and I think Disney should pay close attention to this author. They would be an excellent new addition to their movies!
Here is my review for the final book, The Descendants:
I have been dying to read the last book of the Summer Solstice series for a few months now, and life finally handed me some time to sit down and enjoy the chaotic madness of Kat's life and adventures! I LOVE this book!!! K.K. Allen is a fantastic author and I am so pleased to have stumbled across her books.These are already on my list to buy for my eleven year old daughter, as her Easter gift next year (we are boring, books and treats are what my kids receive for Easter). Don't let these books or this author's work pass you by!
Don't take my word for it. Buy the books and dive into the magical world that the author has so beautifully created! You will not regret it.
You can find these on Amazon:
The Summer Solstice Series Amazon Link
Book Two - What Would Angels Do?
Have you ever been interested in learning about Angels? If so, this is the book for you. Crystal Doty has articulated a well thought out book, full of personal stories, explanations of the Archangels and how we can become more like these mysterious beings.This author has things going for her. I can see her ascending to positions in this world like Doreen Virtue and Dr. Wayne Dyer. You don't want to miss her way to the top.
Here is my review of her book:
Wow! I am in awe of this book. Before I began reading, I did not know much about the 15 Archangels, but now I can understand why the author felt compelled to write about them. She has created a masterpiece full of engaging and intriguing ideas. She calls the Archangels our strongest allies and then proceeds to bring them to life, by explaining their missions and how we can be more like them, in order to create a better world for all. I am excited to read her future books and continue to educate myself on her teachings.You can it on Amazon here:
What Would Angels Do? Amazon Link
Book Three - Spark of Magic
I have come across many exciting books, and this one is no exception. The author keeps events fast paced and intense, which makes me only crave more.
This book is also a part of a series and I am currently reading book of the Chosen Saga. J.L. Clayton is an entertaining writer and will spiral you down a number of unexpected paths, making you beg for more.
My review of her A Spark of Magic:
You can find this book on Amazon:Once the story began to move forward, I couldn't put it down. I tried reading throughout the night, but my eyes were too tired, and had to finally put it down. I just finished today, and I have to say, I'm hooked.
The author did a phenomenal job with character development, and created a world I related to as a teenager. It was fun to careen back to that age and remember the crazy drama of my younger years! J.L. Clayton takes you down a wild ride, filled with magic, love, darkness and chaos. I highly recommend reading this book! I can't wait to read the next two books and find out more about Charlie, Crispin, Jace and Tru!
Spark of Magic Amazon Link
Book Four - Second Chances
If you want to plummet into an emotional roller coaster, filled with goosebumps, tears, loads of smiles, and a fistful of WTF's, this will be an excellent choice of reading. Lincoln Cole is a genius and his writing style had me captivated from page one.Take a look at my review:
Wow! Second Chances by Lincoln Cole, is a must read. From the first page, I was hooked, and anxious for more. I read whenever I had a moment, and was absolutely engrossed by the story. I cannot say enough fabulous things about this book. The author is sincerely a gifted writer, and has a way with words. If you are looking for a dynamically emotional story, filled with life lessons, this is the story for you.You can find this book on Amazon here:
It begins with a mother, looking for a better education for her younger children, which spirals into the struggles of her eldest daughter, and a man who forgot how to be outward focused. Beautifully written, I was enthralled by their lives and the reasons they all became who they were. Everyone has a story, and this book embodies that thought, along with learning to take responsibility for our own lives.
I cannot recommend this book enough! It is officially in my top ten favorites.
Second Chances Amazon Link
If you have any questions about these books, the authors pages and contact information are also on Amazon. Just click on their names and send them a message.
Until next time! Happy Reading!
XXXX - Niki Livingston
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