Nourish and Honor Your Body
If you feel like you are losing control of your health and you don’t have the money or time to put a lot of effort into changes, I have one recipe that could help you out. Everything can be purchased at the grocery store and won’t cost you much money.
****Disclaimer**** I’m NOT an expert in the nutritional or
personal care field and I’ve only found what has worked for me, BUT that’s the
point. These have worked and I’m willing to share in hopes they’ll give someone
else a better life. I’m not asking for
you to sign up for anything or give me money to teach you how to live a
healthier life. I’m just giving it to
you straight and letting you take the reins from there.

For years, I’ve had a morning ritual of drinking hot, lemon water,
with about 1/8 teaspoon of honey. It
started over five years ago, when I had a bad winter of colds and I needed to
find a way to gain more vitamins to keep me healthy. Since then, I’ve drank this hot water nearly
every morning.
About six months ago, I
decided to start adding Apple Cider Vinegar, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper. I wasn’t consistent at first, but the past
few months, I’ve had this drink nearly every single day and the few changes I’ve
noticed are this:
- My stomach isn’t bloated.
- My muscles aren’t as cramped after workouts.
- My energy levels have increased significantly.
Those three issues are reason enough for me to
continue. Although, I still have my off
days, they have decreased significantly since beginning down this road. Here’s my recipe:
1 Whole Lemon10 oz Hot Water1/8 tsp Honey¼ tsp Cinnamon1/8 tsp Cayenne Pepper2 Tbls Apple Cider Vinegar
Tweak it to your liking, which is what I did after looking
up ideas. I drink it with a straw and
keep mixing it while I drink. Not
everyone has the tolerance for these ingredients, so if it’s too much, just
decrease the amount or keep out the Cayenne Pepper. They all have health
benefits, so if you can tolerate them all, keep it up and let me know how you
feel in a few months!
I also eat two eggs, every single morning. On rare occasions I have something else, but
this is generally my breakfast. I’ve
done it for so long, I can’t even tell you when I started. I change them up here and there, but I
usually have two scrambled eggs, with a small amount of cheese mixed in. From this, I get my protein and calcium, and
when I add the lemon water, it’s plenty to get me through until lunch or a
small snack.

Another change I’ve made over the past few years, is how I
treat my skin. I rarely tan, and if I do
allow my skin outside without sunscreen, it’s only for twenty-ish minutes. And then either the sunscreen is slathered
on, the hat is placed on to protect my face, or I go back inside. After years of tanning, I decided to embrace
my pale skin and stop damaging what remained of youthfulness in my skin. This is a picture of me today, clean face, no make-up and zero tan. Maybe I look my age now, but when I turn fifty, I plan on still looking forty. Cheers to my goals 😉

The picture shows three different face lotions that I use. I love them all, and actually have one more, but I ran out of it and didn't have the jar for the picture. The St. Ives is probably my favorite and already contains Safflower Seed Oil.
Simple and easy. I’ve
been spending this month, really focusing on taking care of me, and I realized
when I pay it forward and pass on information, my heart is happy. So, take this for what is worth. I’m not an expert, but I’ve done the
research, while using various methods until I came up with ones that
Listen to your body and honor what it says. As you figure out what works for you, pass on
the information and let others know, they're not alone.
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